
NCA week 5&6

Well, we skipped last week 'cause I was sick and could not breathe with a head cold and chest congestion. But we made it this week and we're feeling oh-so-much better!

I don't know if it was the break, but she was very, very good last night... we started on the teeter - since she had spooked so badly on it 2 weeks ago. Our high-octane treat last night was steak. It was pretty funny when I made dinner last night... on one burner was hamburger helper for Dan and I, and the other burner was steak for the dog... it just seemed wrong...

Anyway, with great encouragement and lots of little steak bites... she is, once again, friends with the teeter. We also worked on the broad jump and a-frame - she did great on her contacts with the a-frame! After we switched sides we worked on obstacle discrimination again... this has been, and continues to be a big challenge... I put her right in front of the tunnel and she still tried to scoot around me to go up the dog walk. We've decided to start 'paying' her more for tunnel work (treats) to make them more enjoyable. Lynn did say that sometimes we take tunnels for granted and that can lessen their value to the dog.

After a few practice runs, she was doing better... but this still needs a lot more practice. we also did some weaves and combinations to the weaves... I really have to work on my handling skills there... if i stop or slow down, she misses a weave and if i get ahead of her, she skips a weave...

Above all, her focus was 98% better! She only started to run over to the other dogs once and i growled at her to come back and she did... of course she got steak for that too! (coming back, not running away).

There is a 'show 'n go' this Sunday which is basically a mock show. I think we'll try it to see how we do... at least it will be fun.

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