
NCA week 3

we started out class running a 'jumpers' course, then we broke up into our groups and worked on portions of that same course.

Rosie warned us this is no novice course...

the course started out with 2 pinwheels, 1 left (1,2,3) and 1 right (4,5,6), creating an 'S'. then a hard 90d left turn to a straight tunnel (7), a vertical (8), the right hand side of a 180d tunnel (9), a hard left 90d to a vertical (10) and on to another, very big, right pinwheel including a triplebar (11,12,13), back thru the right hand side of the #9 tunnel (14) to a vertical (15), to the weaves (16). out of the weaves a hard 90d left and back out over the #2 & #1 jumps (17,18).

when we ran the course we had a couple of tough spots... after the #7,8 combination, she was so far ahead of me that she went to the wrong side of the tunnel... then i got so flabbergasted that i went off-course and pulled her off the #12 jump and skipped it entirely... then, after the weaves we missed our left turn and she bolted over the #3 jump instead of the #2. That was a tough spot for everyone, including the advanced dogs.

we did have one shining moment... i led out past the first 2 and sent her right thru both pinwheels to the tunnel. most of the others had problems with that combination.

after we broke up into groups we worked on the 8-14 combination. she did try to run off a couple of times but was 'herded' back to me by lynne and rosie. after that she stayed pretty focused. then we swapped sides and worked on #1 - 6. since that had not been a problem in the first place, it was just fun to do it again... then we merged the class back to work on the 16-18 combination and she nailed that on her first try. :)

so, needless to say... i was pretty proud of my little girl last night!

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