
NCA, week 5

Class went well again last night. We were in split classes again; Whitney and I with Buddy and Waste'.

We started over a combination of tire to a-frame, right-hand u-turn to tunnel. Again, Waste' kept aiming for the tunnel instead of the a-frame. Lynn said it is probably because I have to 'fade' left to go around the tunnel entrance and that is drawing her towards it, instead of the a-frame. We slid the tunnel under the a-frame and sure enough, she went right over it. That will take some additional practice - I think sending her to the a-frame from a distance, whether there is a tunnel there or not.

Next we did the dogwalk to the table - back and forth several times, working on her contacts. Now, Lynn said letting her sit on her contact is okay if that is what is comfortable for her. I can always skip it when it comes to competition. We can live with that. Her table was excellent, as usual.

Oh, as an aside... she has taken to jumping up on the old maple stump at home... that is about 4' high and 4.5' across... who needs to build a table when we have one built in!! LOL she is turning into a mountain goat, jumping from one stump to another!

Back to class, then...

After the dogwalk/table exercise, we swapped sides with Rosie's group. There we worked on weaves... and did excellent! also did some pinwheel work with front and rear crosses, also incorporating the teeter. We still have some work to do on our rear crosses and making sure she is on the correct lead going in.

I'm hoping to do some more work this Thursday with Amanda and Skeeter, and Friday on free night. It's supposed to cool down again and I know she'll enjoy herself more when she doesn't get so hot. We also have a vet appointment on Saturday for our annual vaccinations, etc. I'll also ask Dr. Jackson about her weight and her limp... she hasn't been limping now for a week or so, but will still check it out.

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